Research interests

  • flow chemistry
  • carbohydrate chemistry
  • automation

Research Units in UniSysCat

Awards (selection)

2021 ACS Award for Affordable Green Chemistry
2020 Emil-Fischer-Medaille, German Chemical Society
2017 Wissenschaftspreis des Stifterverbandes
2013 Member, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences
2012 Whistler Award, Int. Carb. Organization
2011 Hans Herloff Inhoffen-Medal, TU Braunschweig
2009 Claude S. Hudson Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry (ACS)
2007 Körber European Science Award
2007 Havinga Medal, Leiden University

Prof. Dr. Peter Seeberger
Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung
Am Mühlenberg 1
14424 Potsdam
+49 (0)331 567 9300
+49 (0)331 567 9302

Publications (selection)

Danglad-Flores, J.; Leichnitz, S.; Sletten, E.T.; Joseph, A.A.; Bienert, K.; Le Mai Hoang, K.; Seeberger, P.H.; Microwave-assisted Automated Glycan Assembly; J. Am. Chem. Soc.,  2021, 143, 8893-8901

Wu, X. Delbianco, M.; Anggara, K.; Michnowicz, T.; Pardo-Vargas, A.; Bharate, P.; Sen, S.; Pristl, M.; Rauschenbach, S.; Schlickum, U.; Abb, S.; Seeberger, P.H.; Kern, K.; Imaging Single Glycans; Nature  2020, 582, 375–378

Joseph, A.; Pardo-Vargas, A.; Seeberger, P.H.; Total Synthesis of Polysaccharides by Automated Glycan Assembly; J. Am. Chem. Soc.,  2020, 142, 8561-8564.

Chatterjee, S.; Guidi, M.; Seeberger, P.H.; Gilmore, K.; Automated Radial Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecules; Nature  2020, 579, 379–384.

Pieber, B.; Malik, J.A.; Cavedon, C.; Gisbertz, S.; Savateev, A.; Cruz, D.; Heil, T.; Zhang, G.; Seeberger, P.H.; Combining Nickel and Carbon Nitride Catalysis for the Esterification of Carboxylic Acids with Aryl Iodides; Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.  2019, 58, 9575-9580.

Le Mai Hoang, K.; Pardo-Vargas, A.; Zhu, Y.; Yu, Y.; Loria, M.; Delbianco, M.; Seeberger, P.H.; Traceless Photolabile Linker Expedites Chemical Synthesis of Complex Oligosaccharides by Automated Glycan Assembly; J. Am. Chem. Soc.,  2019, 141, 9079-9086.

Latest News

Today, the very first episode of the new podcast on the “Future of Chemistry and Society”, produced by Nona Schulte-Römer and UniSysCat postdoc Benjamin Steininger, went online.

A team of six UniSysCat groups discovered a promising recyclable catalyst for cross-couplings by combining a nickel catalyst and a photocatalyst in a single material.

The idea for the CTC was developed by UniSysCat member Prof. Peter Seeberger and Dr. Matthew Plutschack from the MPICI.