Support of early-career researchers
UniSysCat aims to prepare young scientists for their future roles, both inside and outside academia. We support young researchers at all stages of their career. A special focus is also laid on knowledge transfer by the support of start-ups in chemistry.
Support of undergraduate students
Undergraduates may find support particularly at the Einstein Center of Catalysis (EC²)/ BIG-NSE. It supports PhD education by recruiting and supporting excellent PhD students from all over the world. The mission of the graduate school is to overcome the frontiers of classical disciplines in catalysis.
BIG-NSE is an international graduate school founded in 2007 at the Technische Universität Berlin. From 2019, within UniSysCat, the BIG-NSE has been further developed under the umbrella of the Einstein Center of Catalysis (EC²), funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin. The EC² is dedicated to strengthening modern catalysis research by bundling the rich expertise in the Berlin region and generating novel synergies.
Support of postgraduate researchers
For postgraduate researchers, we developed strategies of staff recruitment and development, including internationally competitive tenure options. UniSysCat promotes career development after the PhD degree by
- one-year appointments awarded to outstanding PhD students after finishing their PhD as an opportunity to write and submit a proposal for a postdoctoral stay abroad.
- attracting outstanding young scientists from outside for junior research group leader positions.
- the newly founded Chemical Invention Factory (CIF) – The John Warner Center for Start-ups in Green Chemistry with the prime objective to enable young graduates of UniSysCat and its partners to reach the first start-up phase.
Prof. Dr. Peter Hildebrandt
Vice Chair
Prof. Dr. Maria Andrea Mroginski
Managing Director /
BIG-NSE office
Dr. Jean-Philippe Lonjaret
more: BIG-NSE 2.0 / EC2
Postal address BIG-NSE Office:
Technische Universität Berlin
BIG-NSE Office, Office BEL 4
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin
Visiting address BIG-NSE Office:
Technische Universität Berlin
Villa Bell, Room BEL 206
Marchstr. 6-8, 10587 Berlin