Childcare Opportunities at UniSysCat
You're a scientist visiting UniSysCat? You're planning a UniSysCat-related event and would like to offer childcare for it? You're a scientist moving to Berlin and need help in finding a Kita? We can help you! UniSysCat offers different childcare options.
Childcare at UniSysCat events
We can arrange childcare for you. Please contact Claudia Ben Nasrallah in time.
Kindergarten place for visiting scientists
Since 01.08.2022 UniSysCat has a “Beleg" kindergarten place for visiting scientists. This can be used in particular by visiting scientists of UniSysCat from now on. The following modalities apply:
- Visiting scientists must be with us for more than three months. Only then do they have to register with the police, and this is a prerequisite for applying for a daycare voucher. This voucher is also required for the “Beleg" kindergarten place.
- The voucher kitaplace is available for a maximum of one year. If the child needs the place for longer, it may be possible for the child to change to a regular place in the same daycare center.
- There are no costs for the parents! UniSysCat is allowed to take over the costs for the provision of a Kita place. The parents only have to pay the standard Berlin fee for meals at the daycare center and present a daycare voucher.
- The Family Services Office of the TU Berlin is responsible for arranging the “Beleg" kindergarten place. For organizational reasons, the need for a Kita place should be announced at least one month in advance.
- If you are expecting a guest researcher, please contact Claudia Ben Nasrallah.