Under the leadership of the Chemical Invention Factory of the TU Berlin, a total of 29 partners from academia and industry worked together on the application in the funding line "T!Raum - TransferRäume für die Zukunft von Regionen". Approval in October 2022 means that up to 10 million euros will flow in the coming years into the realization of ideas and projects that will further develop the capital region into an international center for deep-tech chemical innovation. GreenCHEM's mission is to create an ecosystem in which research and industry work together on the challenges of the chemical revolution. To this end, creative solutions in the form of scientific spin-offs (start-ups and spin-offs) are supported and new concepts for teaching and training are offered. GreenCHEM's vision is to create a shift in thinking towards technology-transfer-open, innovative green chemistry. The "T!Raum" funding program is part of the "Innovation & Structural Change" program and is funded by the BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). The funding measure relies on local universities and research institutions and enables them to develop novel transfer instruments. Together with regional companies and other partners, they are to develop and test new approaches to knowledge, idea and technology transfer in an experimental manner. The aim is to ensure that innovations reach the companies located in the region more quickly and thus support positive structural change.
For further information on GreenCHEM, please refer to the TU Berlin press release.