News Research Highlights

The three top articles published in Angewandte Chemie report sophisticated studies of reaction intermediates important in biocatalytic processes involving metalloenzymes.

Four UniSysCat groups and one Einstein visiting fellow applied in a proof of concept study a new experimental setup for the characterization of reaction intermediates in [NiFe] hydrogenase, which was chosen as hot paper.

A team featuring the UniSysCat groups of Walid Hetaba, Reinhard Schomäcker and Arne Thomas successfully synthesized multifunctional catalysts with a controllable distance between their active sites - a key goal of UniSysCat.

A research team around UniSysCat group leaders Prof. Matthias Driess and Prof. Robert Schlögl has found that direct seawater splitting for hydrogen production has substantial drawbacks compared to the conventional approach.

Researchers around the UniSysCat group leaders Beatriz Roldan Cuenya, Robert Schlögl and Peter Strasser demonstrate how how inner-sphere chemistry controls electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction rates.

Three UniSysCat groups present the immobilization of a metal-organic complex in a truly innocent support for gas phase catalysis.

Three UniSysCat research groups investigated in an interdisciplinary approach oxygen activation of a non-heme iron(II) Cyclam Center relevant for understanding the chemistry of dinuclear non-heme iron enzymes.

The group of UniSysCat research group leader Mathias Driess published three fundamental works for cluster areas A and D very recently, addressing distance dependent activation and specific electrocatalytic reactions.

In a collaborative approach the groups of M. Kaupp and S. Shaik present a general conceptualization of the nature of metal–metal (M–M) bonding in transition-metal complexes by use of ab initio valence-bond theory.

The team of UniSysCat researcher Beatriz Roldán Cuenya was able to exploit the dynamic structural and chemical nature of Cu surfaces under pulsed electrocatalytic reaction conditions to convert the greenhouse gas CO2 into a…