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Women in UniSysCat

Women in UniSysCat
Female Scientists working in UniSysCat.
Meet female UniSysCat scientists on February 16, 2022 at 10 am
IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast: Meet female UniSysCat scientists on February 16, 2022 at 10 am in an online meeting.

The advancement of women in science is on everyone's lips today. Universities, institutes and research funders expect major research projects to commit to equal opportunities. For us, the promises made in this context may not just be lips confessions - promoting equal opportunities is a matter of the heart. Today, on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we therefore want to show that the women in UniSysCat are more than just world-class researchers, they are great role models for young female scientists. We are proud of our female researchers!

Role models

Women's career paths are diverse. In recent years, increased attention to the issue of equal opportunities has already improved women's career opportunities. And yet, women often still have a hard time, especially in STEM subjects.

It starts with the choice of subject: Am I good enough to study chemistry? She asks herself. Once they have started, also during their studies, women often have to fight against prejudices from lecturers or structural discrimination. But the most difficult decision may come at the end of their studies: What to do next? Do a PhD and pursue a career in academia? Isn't that far too risky? And what about children? Do I want a family - and is a family at all compatible with an academic career?

This is exactly where we need role models! Where are the female teachers, the female professors and the female students who help other women to build their own careers?

We need women who show that there’s a way to be successful in academia. We need women who talk about their problems, the challenges they faced on their career paths. We need women who explain how they managed having a family and a career in academia. Without these role models, every woman would have to struggle anew - and far too many would fall by the wayside.

The lack of role models is something we want to change: clear the stage for the women in UniSysCat!

Portrays of Women in UniSysCat

We have portrayed female researchers working as group leaders in UniSysCat. These successful women talk about their scientific careers, their motivation to do research, their ideas and goals, but also about one or two other formative details from their lives. If you’re interested in their inspiring lifes, take a look at the posters and videos we prepared.

„Meet female UniSysCat scientists“

In turn of this year's IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast, UniSysCat will host an online meeting on Wednesday, Feb 16, 2022 via Zoom. Meet the UniSysCat group leaders Dr. Ariane Nunes Alves, Prof. Dr. Franziska Heß, Prof. Dr. Henrike Müller-Werkmeister and Prof. Dr. Petra Wendler online and talk about their research interests and their career. Feel free to ask all your questions concerning career options in academia. We would be happy to encourage women to join and stay in academia! Find the event also on the website of the IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast. Please register for the event via email to: registration(at) - Once registered, you'll receive a confirmation including the zoom-link to the event.

Don’t miss the 2022 Clara Immerwahr Award Ceremony

The Clara Immerwahr Award 2022 goes to Dr. Charlotte Vogt from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology for her outstanding achievements in catalysis research. The award ceremony will take place on Friday, June 3, 2022 at 2 pm at the Technical University of Berlin. The ceremony program will be published soon on our website. Just a small foretaste: in addition to the speech by the award winner about her exciting research on "fuels for the future", there will also be a musical programme and a play about the lift of "Lise Meitner".

Become a part of UniSysCat

UniSysCat is a group of more than 260 researchers from the four universities of Berlin and Potsdam, the Charité and four cooperating research institutes in the Berlin and Potsdam area. Within this large interdisciplinary research network, scientists are jointly working on coupled reactions in catalysis. The research groups are comprising molecular and structural biologists, biochemists and biophysicists, physical and theoretical chemists as well as physicists – a great place to develop a scientific career!

Within UniSysCat, researchers of any gender can learn from different scientists, expand their network in a wonderful way and benefit from the structural resources of the cluster of excellence.

Ask your questions

Finally, we are happy to welcome female researchers within UniSysCat. If you have any questions regarding equal opportunities, feel free to contact UniSysCat’s Advisor on Gender Equality Claudia Ben Nasrallah.