News overview

Scientists from Oxford came to Berlin to discuss with UniSysCat members the catalysis of future collaborations.

Read the article in “Süddeutsche Zeitung” about the latest activities of Benjamin Steininger (UniSysCat) and Alexander Klose a.k.a. the research collective “Beauty of Oil”.

UniSysCat presented its research to stakeholders from the fields of science, business, politics, civil society, and culture at an event organized by the Berlin University Alliance.

Bold and visionary ideas that challenge the limits of what can be imagined– read our interview with UniSysCat group leader Juri Rappsilber about the innovative "TransFORM" project.

Berlin universities are cooperating to support the chemical transition with GreenCHEM– the innovation ecosystem for Green Chemistry.

Distinguished scientists gathered at TU Berlin to evaluate and advise on UniSysCat's research and future directions. The event included talks, a poster session, and discussions on the various aspects of catalysis research and…

Dr. Ina Czyborra, the Senator for Higher Education and Research, Health and Long-Term Care, is on an “excellence-tour” visiting all Clusters of Excellence in Berlin. This week, she made a stop at UniSysCat!

20 professors were honored for their role in fostering innovative startups. Among the awardees are Prof. Reinhard Schomäcker and Prof. Stefan Hecht, both affiliated with UniSysCat.

UniSysCat’s spokesperson was nominated for his work on organic photocatalysts that could revolutionize decentralized and eco-friendly energy conversion.

The call for applications for the Clara Immerwahr Award 2024 is now open. The application deadline is November 5, 2023.