Two UniSysCat research groups teamed up with members of our collaboration partner from the ETH Zürich to synthesize a well-defined supported nickel hydrogenation catalyst by surface organometallic chemistry
The EU-funded ConCO2rde project focuses on autotrophic biorefineries, which are powered by H2 and transforms CO2 from a pollutant into a renewable resource. The research topics cover the combination of synthetic biology…
Researchers around the UniSysCat group leaders Beatriz Roldan Cuenya, Robert Schlögl and Peter Strasser demonstrate how how inner-sphere chemistry controls electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction rates.
UniSysCat research group leader Prof. Dr. Holger Dau and Einstein Fellow Prof. Dr. Robert Burnap use spinach to show how the ancestor of today’s PSII evolved about 3 billion years ago.
Dr Shuang Li has been awarded a 238.800 EUR DFG grant for her project "Organic-Polyoxometalate Co-Crystal-Derived Mesoporous Metal Carbides/Nitrides for Hydrogen Production from Seawater.”
Two UniSysCat research group leaders, Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl and Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldan Cuenya as well as BasCat, are involved in CatLab, the new BMBF funded catalysis research center.
Fossil oil (Erdöl) - what is it and what is its role in our world? Dr Benjamin Steininger, UniSysCat member and research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, looks into this exciting topic.