News overview

UniSysCat participates in Girl's Day 2019

(C) TU Berlin / PR

The cluster of excellence UniSysCat combines the research on living cells with the idea to realize useful chemical processes just as efficiently as in such cells. For example, a chemical reactor of the future could produce hydrogen as efficiently as blue-green algae do in the sea.

Today, eleven female high-school students participated in the workshop "The Chemistry Reactor in the Cell - Our research turns living cells into industrial plants". They learned how to investigate living cells to understand how they simultaneously grow, divide, and produce beneficial substances. Further, they looked at photosynthesis and a hydrogen car and discussed how to bring them together for the energy supply of the future.

”We are delighted about the strong interest in UniSysCat’s research. I can only encourage young female students to go into the field of chemistry and other STEM subjects!” says UniSysCat PR manager, Franz-Josef Schmitt.