In a collaborative study, chosen as hot paper, the UniSysCat team of L. Lauterbach, coupled together with the groups of U.-P. Apfel, and B. M. Nestl bio- with chemocatalysts for the electro-driven synthesis of methylated…
The Clara Immerwahr Award ceremony took place in the TU Berlin's gorgeous atrium in the main building. The ceremony begain with opening remarks by the President of the TU Berlin, Prof. Dr. Christian Thomsen, followed by a…
More than 150 UniSysCat scientists met on the dates of 10. – 12. February 2020 in the central building of the Max Planck Campus in Potsdam-Golm to discuss recent research achievements within the five research fields of the…
A research team around the UniSysCat scientists Oliver Lenz and Martin Oestreich uncovered the reaction mechanism of a novel biocatalyst involved in the synthesis of carbon monoxide.
The UniSysCat groups of Holger Dobbek and Ingo Zebger present in cooperation with Marius Horch from the University of York and Seigo Shima from the MPI in Marburg crystallographic and vibrational‐spectroscopic insights into…
Prof. Dr. Sandra Luber, SNSF Professor for theoretical and computational chemistry at the University of Zurich (Switzerland), investigated the structure and dynamics of the manganese-depleted photosystem II computationally in…