What's UniSysCat all about?

UniSysCat stands for Unifying Systems in Catalysis. We are a Cluster of Excellence - more than 300 researchers from four universities and four research institutes in the Berlin and Potsdam area - working jointly together on current challenges in the highly relevant field of catalysis.

UniSysCat unites biologists, chemists, engineers and physicists with the aim to revolutionize catalysis research.


UniSysCat member Joachim Heberle became a new member of the Austrian Agency for Scientific Integrity (ÖAWI) and the central ombudsman of FU Berlin.

On September 1, 2021, the first episode of the podcast of the clusters of excellence in Germany appeared: scientists explain to podcaster Larissa Vassilian how they want to find answers to relevant topics of our time.

The exhibition 'Oil. Beauty and Horror in the Petrol Age', curated by UniSysCat member Dr. Benjamin Steininger, will open at Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg on September 4, 2021.

The call for applications for the Clara Immerwahr Award 2022 is now open.

Application deadline: October 31, 2021

TU Berlin gives insights into the Rappsilber Lab: They work on proteins - the building blocks of life. Find out how they analyze the structure and interaction of proteins in their natural environment.

Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya, UniSysCat member and Director of the Interface Science Department of the Fritz Haber Institute, has recently been elected as a Fellow of the American Vacuum Society (AVS).

Industry wants catalysts of high long-term stability. That’s what makes the research of UniSysCat member Prof. Franziska Hess so valuable - she predicts catalyst activities.

Honoring his outstanding achievements in life sciences, UniSysCat member Prof. Juri Rappsilber has been elected a new member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).


UniSysCat is happy to welcome Ariane Nunes Alves as a new member of UniSysCat! She will start as a junior group leader at Technische Universität Berlin.

On July 20th, the Humboldtforum in Berlin opened its doors for the public. UniSysCat is part of the opening exhibition "Nach der Natur" in Humboldtlabor.

Energie-Zeitenwende: mehr Effizienz durch bessere Katalysatoren - Video with Youtuber Tom Bötticher

Video: Optogenetics

Video: Learning from nature

"Making the world better with chemistry" - John Warner


Unifying Systems in Catalysis (UniSysCat) is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2008– 390540038